All these years later, it’s finally coming to Blu-ray.
Ik zoek eens naar de uitgebreide versie.Long before the Marvel Cinematic Universe was even a thing, Jeremy Renner made a name for himself playing serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer in the feature film Dahmer, written and directed by David Jacobson and released in 2002. Kort, ruw, een banaal verhaal, en geen pagina waar je niet denkt there but for the grace of God. Deze My Friend Dahmer is de 28-bladzijden-eerste-versie van een verhaal waar hij uiteindelijk een langer boek van gemaakt heeft.

On November 28, 1994, he was beaten to death by an inmate at the Columbia Correctional Institution, where he had been incarcerated. His murders involved rape, dismemberment, necrophilia and cannibalism. Dahmer murdered 17 men and boys between 19, with the majority of the murders occurring between 19. Deze My Friend Dahmer is de 28-b Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer (– November 28, 1994) was an American serial killer and sex offender. Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer (– November 28, 1994) was an American serial killer and sex offender. Osim ako stripove čitate samo kako biste ih završili veseli i duševno ispunjeniji, onda možda ipak nije. No ovo, kao samostalana cjelina, je itekako strip vrijedan vaše pozornosti. Strip je kasnije pretvoren u puno dulji rad (cca 220 stranica) tako da mi je sada on na repertoaru. Ovo je priča o malenoj grupici koja se družila s Dahmerom u srednjoj školi, prije njegovog prvog ubojstva.Īli način na koji je radnja prezentirana nekako uspjeva biti strašnija i jezovitija od fikcije pune nasilja i ubijanja, jednostavno se uvlači pod kožu.Įfikasan crtež, fantastičan tekst, malo jeftina produkcija, ali ovo posljednje ne znači puno, dakle - petica.

Kako piše u fantastičnom uvodu, u stripu nije prikazano ni jedno ubojstvo, nema tu nasilja (osim jedne mrtve ribe), nema krvi itd. Efikasan crtež, fantastičan tekst, ma U samo trideset stranica ispričana je priča koja bi trebala postati film. Ali način na koji je radnja prezentirana nekako uspjeva biti strašnija i jezovitija od fikcije pune nasilja i ubijanja, jednostavno se uvlači pod kožu.

Ovo je priča o malenoj grupici koja se družila s Dahmerom u srednjoj školi, prije njegovog prvog ubojstva. U samo trideset stranica ispričana je priča koja bi trebala postati film. However, if you are capable of entering the world that this story illustrates, you will cry. If you are the slightest bit judgmental about the rationality of teenage decisions this book will leave you angry. It is also necessary to empathize with the the thoughts and behaviors of teenagers. To the contrary, he does not conceal the fact that he and his friends contributed to Dahmer's misery, and the author's shame is apparent.īecause this is a graphic and not a prosaic novel, the reader has to be able to infer the author's intention by expression of the characters, or by different type or font which highlight important words and phases. I disagree with other reviewers about the writer's objective to portray himself as a good person and to put the blame on everyone else. The narrative is passionate and authentic. It is not a complete biography but a glimpse into one person's experience and his understanding of how an awkward classmate developed into one of the most renowned serial killers in the world. To the contrary, he does not conceal the fact that he an This is an intimate portrait of a serial killer's childhood experiences.

This is an intimate portrait of a serial killer's childhood experiences.